Scott Brown Jobs Bill

Scott Brown Jobs Bill. Senator Scott Brown, Republican of Massachusetts helped advance a jobs bill President Obama and his party seek. He joined four of his GOP colleagues in deciding to end debate on the $15 billion bill avoiding a stalemate by reaching a tally of 62 to 30.

“I came to Washington to be an independent voice, to put politics aside, and to do everything in my power to help create jobs for Massachusetts families,’’ Brown said in a statement explaining his vote. “All of us, Republicans and Democrats, have to work together to get our economy back on track. I hope my vote today is a strong step toward restoring bipartisanship in Washington.’’

Brown believes that the bill contains measures that will help put people back to work which is a very good thing considering America's current state.

This move also garnered praise from President Obama who said that the bill is just part of the administration's efforts to repair the economy and that creating jobs remains the White House's top priority.